Book Review of Killing Me

I was quite excited about this novel which admittedly did have a unique voice although was a bit cliched in places.

The premise is interesting – a girl is taken by a serial killer but rescued by some kind of serial killer vigilante.  Then she finds herself the target of YET ANOTHER serial killer.  Far from being a coincidence, Amber finds herself caught in a cat and mouse game between bitter rivals.  But Amber is no shrinking violet, a former con-artist who tries to go straight, Amber has a few cards to play in this game herself. 

Finding herself stranded in Las Vegas, Amber makes friends with others keen to unmask this particular serial killer in retribution for a friend who was one of his victims.  They all work together to create an elaborate trap in the Las Vegas underworld… but the question is, do they have the right man?

Pretty light but at least original.  Clear indications in the end that there will be another instalment.

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