Book Review of The Lion Trackers Guide to Life

“Track what makes you feel good and bring more of it into your life. Notice what makes you feel lousy and do less of it”.

This is a beautiful and lyrical short work that reminds us how important it is to slow down and connect with ourselves and connect with nature.

Boyd Varty grow up on a wildlife reserve in South Africa and is connected to the place and the people and in particular two men he tracks with.  Their role is to track the lions and let the tour guides know where they can find them so people can see them.  But Varty uses the art of tracking – of slowing down and reading the signs – as a bit of a metaphor for slowing down and listening to yourself, for finding the pathway through the noise and the pollutants of life to listen to what is good and right for you.  After all, wild animals are immune to social pressures, to ego and to the busyness of life.

It’s filled too with beautiful quotes and illustrations.  I’ve shared a few here.

This is a powerful read for anyone sensing a need to connect with something lost – or to find a new pathway if the current one isn’t working.  It’s gentle and authentic and poetic – a pleasure to read.

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