Book Review of The Searcher

I’ve never read any Tana French before, but I saw this title on a list of great crime novels so I thought I might give it a try on audio.

Cal Hooper is a retired Chicago detective who has moved all the way to Ireland to escape a life that was no longer working for him.  Despite seeking solitude, he eventually befriends Trey, a young person who begins watching him.  Instead of looking for things to steal, Cal teaches Trey woodworking and eventually learns that Trey is hoping Cal will open an investigation into the disappearance of their brother Brendan.

There’s lovely moments where Cal bonds with Trey, and awful moments when the reader realises that small villages ten to police themselves, and that there is a clear conspiracy to ensure Cal and Trey stop asking questions.  There are men in the village who will stop at nothing to protect their own, and hide their secrets.

This was a solid outing characterised by the memorable characters who are quite layered and nuanced.  Both Cal and Trey have believable backstories and French handles their growing friendship deftly.  Worth a look.  Apparently there is a follow up too which I might try at some point.

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